Monday 3 February 2014

Shortlisted for #ukba Awards

Dear Reader,

It was back in August, 2013 that I started to blog again after attempting nine times. A friend encouraged me, that I must carry on. It was during this time that I learnt a little bit of HTML coding and the other necessities to publish articles.

As you all know I joined The Torch: Entertainment Guide in November, 2013. We entered the #UKBA awards late last year. With all your support, we are shortlisted and are invited to attend the Awards Function.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you heartily for supporting us. I would also like to thank you for giving me the honor to have a place in the Top 3 Blog Posts. 

You are the one who is solely responsible for the achievements. And the award goes to you.

I feel honored and motivated to continue writing, because in the hearts of hearts I know that you will be there reading and supporting.

If you would like to come and join us at the Award Ceremony, the tickets can be purchased here. I would love to meet you and thank you in person.

Thanks and Regards,
Virtual name: Debby Sharma
Real name: Debdatta Bhadury

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